
澤教授現為國際學術組織 IEEE 的資深會士,在西元 1999 年於國立臺灣大學電機資訊學系畢業,於 2003 年取得美國伊利諾大學香檳分校電機工程學與數學碩士學位,於 2008 年取得美國伊利諾大學香檳分校電機工程學博士學位。

林澤教授目前為國立臺灣大學電機工程學系專任教授,帶領跨領域資料科學與信號處理研究室 (iDSSP Lab),致力於在深度學習、資料科學、智慧醫療、生醫信號處理、金融科技、最佳化理論以及系統生物學等領域進行研究。2018-2019 年間亦曾任教於國立清華大學電機學系。

林澤教授積極參與國際學術組織活動與會議主持,並在多個國際會議中擔任技術程序委員會成員。他獲選擔任國際學術組織 IEEE Signal Processing Society 其中 Machine Learning for Signal Processing Technical Committee (MLSP TC) 的 Industry subcommittee 主席 (2021年至今),同時也獲選為 Applied Signal Processing Systems Technical Committee (ASPS TC) 的成員 (2021~至今),以及曾獲選為 Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems Technical Committee (DISPS TC) 的成員 (2019~2020)。他於 2006 年獲得了為期兩年的 Vodafone 研究生獎學金,於 2008 年獲得 E. A. Reid Fellowship 的獎項,並擁有一項美國專利,該專利已被納入 3GPP LTE 標準。他也獲得許多獎項,包含 2012 年國立清華大學電機資訊學院 (NTHU EECS) 學院優秀教學獎、2014 年 GIW-ISCB-ASIA 會議的最佳論文獎、2015 年 CIEE 傑出青年電機工程師獎、以及 2017 年財團法人傑出人才發展基金會之青年學者創新獎。

Che Lin (Senior Member, IEEE) received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1999; an M.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, an M.S. degree in Mathematics, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2003 and 2008, respectively.

Dr. Lin is currently a tenured Full Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, leading the interdisciplinary Data Science and Signal Processing (iDSSP) lab. He was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, from 2008-2019. His research interests include deep learning, data science, medical AI, FinTech, signal processing in wireless communications, optimization theory, and systems biology.

Dr. Lin has been actively involved in organizing and chairing sessions and has served as a Technical Program Committee member at several international conferences. He currently serves as the Chair of the industry subcommittee and the elected member of the Machine Learning for Signal Processing Technical Committee (MLSP TC, 2021~present); He is the elected member of the Applied Signal Processing Systems Technical Committee (ASPS TC, 2021~present); He was the elected member of Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems Technical Committee (DISPS TC, 2019 ~2020), all in IEEE Signal Processing Society. He received a two-year Vodafone Graduate Fellowship in 2006, the E. A. Reid Fellowship Award in 2008, and holds a U.S. patent, which has been included in the 3GPP LTE standard. In 2012, he received the Excellent Teaching Award for the College of EECS, NTHU. He was awarded the Best Paper Award for the 2014 GIW-ISCB-ASIA conference. In 2015, he received the CIEE Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Award. In 2017, he received the Young Scholar Innovation Award from the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship.